Sunday, May 19, 2013

Russian game!

Greetings darling followers! I know it's late, but I want to tell you about a game my family just played. It's called Лото, and it's pretty much like bingo just Russian and more intense. There's numbers 1-90 and cards with some numbers and some empty spaces (see pictures). I thought it was pretty cool, and as you guys seem to like Russian stuff, I thought I'd tell you about it. Thats it for now! Hakuna Matata! -Aussie

Friday, April 26, 2013

Google+ comments

Hello readers, just wanted to tell you that I updated, you can now post comments from Google+. So if you want to comment on my weird, I mean interesting *cough cough* life and blog, please do so. Thats all I wanted to say! Hakuna Matata! -Aussie

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Beating Minecraft

Hello dear readers! I bet you all read the title and are like, what the heck? So, as any xbox minecraft player will know, minecraft was recently updated. There's now the End. And I know that in a sense theres really no way to beat minecraft. But I actually went, found an End portal, and beat it. (on creative because I am a wimp). Its really an amazing thing to see. After you kill it, the Ender Dragon explodes, purple light coming out from it every way. And of course theres the dragon egg, on top of a portal back. I dont even know what to do with the egg, I dont think it does anything. Then theres just blue and green text scrolling up the screen saying that you have come far, claiming to be the universe. Its actually pretty cool, despite it being a ten-minute speech with stuff like "and the universe loves you because you are love". Before you go, heres some funny pics.Well, thats all for today. Hakuna Matata! -Aussie

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Todays Topic: ME!!!

Hi readers!! (some of whom are reading this from Russia). Anyway, it has just now become apparent to me that you guys know almost nothing about me. So this post is all about me! For anyone who thought I was any older or younger, I am twelve years young. In case anyone out there is really dumb or just hasn't read enough to know this, I am a girl. God, that sounded idiotic. Heres a list of my favs: Animal: Cat, panda, maybe beluga whale, (this could go on forever) Color: Tangerine, Lime green Acessory: Pink hipster glasses with black hearts Store: Rue 21 Game: Minecraft Food:Grilled pizza <3 Song:Girl on Fire Activity: BLOGGING!!!! Who are my friends? Well, on google plus my friend is Holly Reed, but not on g+ my BFFs are: Aurora, Madi, Chloe, Pyper, Tahvia, Gwen, and Lexi B. Favorite sayings? Keep your head up princess, your tiara is falling Hakuna Matata beYOUtiful Well, thats all I wanted to say! Hakuna Matata! -Aussie

Friday, April 12, 2013

My bucket list

Sup readers! Today I will just be talking a little bit about my non-recorded bucket list. Safety warning: This Bucket List May Make You Feel A Sense Of Extreme Awesomeness. So here it is:
My bucket list:
-Play messy twister (with paint on every dot)
-Use a funny fake name at starbucks (ex. Harry Styles, Katniss Everdeen, etc.)
-Have a paint fight
-Bring a burrito into a movie theater and buy it a movie ticket
-Dip dye my hair
-Put vanilla pudding in a mayo jar and eat in public
-Yell "Andy's coming!" in front of the toy story characters (they will stop what they're doing and drop)
-Have a viral youtube video
Well, that's it. You are welcome to steal any of these for your own use. But don't close down that browser yet. I want to blab to you about my new favorite store. Rue 21!! I don't actually have much to say just a picture. But enjoy! Hakuna Matata! -Aussie

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Daily Blog #9 I think

Hello dear viewers! Contest results! Although my friend Holly was the only one to comment, I got lots of replies on google+ saying stuff like dying Easter eggs and Easter baskets. So, anyway, if you haven't played it, play the BEST GAME EVER called mirrors edge. It's rated T, but theres not much blood. It's a parkour game, so you die sometimes, but it's not gory. And there's optional guns, but they slow you down. Well, that's all for now. Hakuna Matata! -Aussie

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Daily Blog #Too lazy to check/Easter contest

Hi readers!Been checking my pageviews and it turns out someone in Europe is reading my blog. Thank you, my European viewer! Hello from America! Anyway, today I wanted to talk about a ceremony that happened in my new house. As you probably have no clue, I recently moved. My possible new stepmother, who I shall call Tanner (not her real name), kindly volunteered to do an energy cleansing on the house. After she had laid out some items on a table (a candle, a stick made of sage, and three rocks), she did a short speech about the old stuck energy that needs to be freed and replaced with new energy. Then we grabbed instruments and Tanner lit the sage stick on fire, then blew it out so it was just smoking, and we walked through the house, calling the energy out from every room. It took a long time, but it was an interesting process. I learned a lot about this tradition. That's all about that, but don't stop here. Easter is coming up, and I want to know what YOU are doing for a change. So comment below your Easter traditions, or post it on google+ and tag me into it. Some of the coolest will be mentioned in my next post. That's all for today! -Aussie

Sunday, March 3, 2013


Hey readers, sorry for lack of posts, because I've been on YouTube! Anyway, if you didn't get here from there, my channel is aussiegummy4uhi. As for my minecraft videos, the next recording session will be today, and will be 2 or 3 episodes (and I'm going to be FREAKING OUT) so thanks for being patient. For now, though, I want to review another minecrafter. Skydoesminecraft! Sky and his Sky Army do mods and adventure maps, and are hilarious. Two you HAVE to watch: Zombie Apocalypse and Super Mario adventure maps. That's all for now!-Aussie

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Daily Blog #I forgot

Hi! It's me again. Anyway, I've been on instagram. Actually, please don't follow me unless I know you. So, I can't talk much now but I may blog more later. Btw, I thought this was cute.-Aussie

Thursday, January 31, 2013


Hi! Home after an awesome school dance. So tired, also because I had a field trip to the art museum to do object stories. Sorry this is so short. -Aussie

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Daily blog #6

Hi! Just blogging at 6:30 in the morning. That's normal, right? Anyway, today has no topic (partially because I'm too tired to think of one) so I will probably talk about random stuff. Here's the difference between cats and dogs:
Dog- Wow! This man is feeding me and caring for me! He must be a god!
Cat-Wow! This man is feeding me and caring for me! I must be a god!
Found that on Google+ courtesy of joke of the day community.
-Aussie ~-[_]:3

Friday, January 25, 2013

Daily blog #5

Hi again! This post is from at home, 7:15 in the morning. Yay? I mostly wanted to share this picture I found on google+. Enjoy! -Aussie ~-[_]:3 (nyan cat face)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Special Post!!!!

Hi! Guess what? today I'm blogging from SCHOOL!!! The most boring place on earth! Except my school is awesome (GO BOBCATS!!) like all other things that I attend^_^. The rest of my language arts class is typing up their papers but I'm already finished! And unlike most of my posts, this one is from a real computer, not an ipod touch. Also last night (if you noticed) I changed the theme and background. So, that's it for now -Aussie ^_^

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Oregon Zoo!

Ok, I haven't blogged for a while, but now I can make up for it with this: Lots of pictures of animals taken by me! By the way, there's a new baby elephant named Lily at the zoo. So pictures of her will be first. Enjoy! -Aussie

Thursday, January 17, 2013


So sorry! Don't pretend you didn't notice that I haven't been blogging for weeks! Anyway, I have to go. -Aussie

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Daily blog #4

Hey! Haven't done a daily blog in a while. Today's blog topic: Japan! Our class just today met Heather, the TA who's been studying abroad in Japan. Luckily I wrote down how to introduce yourself in Japanese. Try it! Watashi wa (your school) no (your name) desu. Shumi wa (interest or hobby) desu. Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu! That means, for me the English translation is, I am my school's Aussie Gummypanda. My hobby is blogging. Nice to meet you! Heather has been writing a blog for us, which I can't find as it may be a private blog but if it isn't I will post a link. Many people had questions about the McDonalds in Japan, so I found out that the Japanese McDonalds has a curry burger and is healthier and better quality than the one in America. Japanese college students love it, I still wouldn't go to it. Oh, and on Christmas they eat fried chicken and cake. Weird. This blog has been pretty long. Well, that's today's daily blog. ^_^

Saturday, January 5, 2013

EA games rant!!

So- the other day my stepbrother bought battlefield 19something and I haven't been able to play Xbox since because it won't work because it's rated T and his profile says he's 11. That seems reasonable, but get this: he has ADULT settings!! So, he goes to try and change his age, but it WON'T LET HIM! That's just stupidity! EA games needs to know that people under the age limit ARE going to play- seriously people this is Xbox live. So, now I won't be able to play since he just sits there and complains while it says, "connecting" for like 3 hours then says, "unable to receive connection from local ports" or something stupid like that. Ok, just wanted to say that.Hope you either aren't or are as mad as I am. Whatever was your goal. That's all for today! -Aussie

Daily blog #3

Surprise!!!!Yes, I know I said I wouldn't have my iPod but.... I'm here for like 1 hour! So I'm going to do this blog, then since in my intro I promised a rant, and I really am mad about this, I will do one about EA Xbox 360 games. Anyway, today, (as promised in my last post,) I did absolutely nothing!! Actually I did go to Costco but stayed in front of the sampler space heater 95% of the time. -_-

Friday, January 4, 2013

Wii U

I know I promised a review on this, so here it is! This is GREAT for families, and improves in all of the areas I wanted on the wii. I love how you can play while your mom watches the news, or whatever your mom watches on tv. This is more of a family game system and simpler than the Xbox 360, which is cool, but not for me. This is worth the difference in the cost of buying a wii! Seriously! I'll shout it from the rooftops! Hope you enjoyed this review. -Aussie

Daily Blog #2

Hey pplz! Today is Friday, (TGIF) and I am SO FREAKING TIRED!!! Looking forward to playing wii u all day tomorrow. (there will probably be a review of that next.) Anyway, I'm going to have a relaxed weekend with my kindle and wii u. I won't have my iPod touch so no posts this weekend. Sorry this was so short. -Aussie
(Thought I'd include a pic of our Christmas tree before we get rid of it.)

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Daily Blog #1

Yep, you heard me, I'm starting a daily blog. This is a new thing for me so bear with me. Anyway, today I went to school for the first time since winter break, because yesterday I was sick. As usual, Rockeye was really jerky to me. Rockeye, if you're reading this, I do mean you. I got out of math because our class did this object stories thing where you bring in something and they take a bunch of pictures of it and I wasn't there yesterday so I did it today. I got really confused in band cause they were playing a bunch of notes I didn't know and for some reason the teacher had me sit with the trumpets. This has been a very long blog so I hope it wasn't a waste of your time. Comment if you even read this. -Aussie

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Hilarious video alert!

In case you haven't seen it yet, tobuscus's password rant video on youtube just may be the funniest tobuscus video yet. Probably some of you right now are going "what the heck is a rant this lady is crazy" but I will explain.A rant is when someone goes on their webcam and complains about something for like 2 minutes. In other words, it's classic American humor.I insure you, toby's password rant will keep you laughing the entire time it's playing. And the beauty of a rant is that it's true. Websites really do stuff like that, I'm glad I only have a few variations of the same password.No, I'm not telling you!Anyway, you should totally check it out. Comment if you're even reading this! -Aussie

Russian New Year!!

Ok, so I'm posting from my iPod touch this time.@-@ the recent additions to our family are Russian, so on New Years day we get presents from father frost.And yes, Russians do have Christmas, they just don't celebrate it as much.So, I just got 2 shirts and a pair of boots from Dehlia*s, as well as the book Divergent from my Mom.Its like an extension of Christmas!
My Mom and stepmom also hosted a New Years party with beautiful food displays including a salad called "herring under a fur coat", and hedgehog pears. I hope this post hasn't been a waste of your time, I just wanted to share some culture.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Oak's Bottom

Hi! Hasnt been too long since my last post. Just went on a walk in 27 degree weather. We went to oaks bottom park, which is not actually very natury. 3/4 of it is cyclist highway, but the part that is nature is very pretty. -Aussie ^_^


OK, so I'm Aussie, (my real name is Sydney but my blog my rules.) So, feel free to comment, just no hate.This blog is for posting random stuff so you may notice rants, reviews, and opinions.Enjoy ^_^