Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Daily blog #4

Hey! Haven't done a daily blog in a while. Today's blog topic: Japan! Our class just today met Heather, the TA who's been studying abroad in Japan. Luckily I wrote down how to introduce yourself in Japanese. Try it! Watashi wa (your school) no (your name) desu. Shumi wa (interest or hobby) desu. Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu! That means, for me the English translation is, I am my school's Aussie Gummypanda. My hobby is blogging. Nice to meet you! Heather has been writing a blog for us, which I can't find as it may be a private blog but if it isn't I will post a link. Many people had questions about the McDonalds in Japan, so I found out that the Japanese McDonalds has a curry burger and is healthier and better quality than the one in America. Japanese college students love it, I still wouldn't go to it. Oh, and on Christmas they eat fried chicken and cake. Weird. This blog has been pretty long. Well, that's today's daily blog. ^_^

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